A Seasonal Message from Jeshua and Mary Magdalene.12.12.2020

Dear Ones at this time of year many people will be celebrating Christmas. In the Christian world it is the marking of my birth as the Christ Jesus at Christmastide. However the Coming of the Light has been celebrated by many other different cultures for eons of your time. It matters not what, who or even if you believe in me and why I was born.What matters is the return to the LIGHT of human kindness at this time . As a man I had my flaws and I had much to learn but I came to teach many things. The most important teaching was to LOVE your fellow man.This is the time of year when you come together in your families in the LOVE of HUMAN KINDNESS. You send wishes to those you may not have seen all year,you buy presents for your family, to show them how much you care. You put up Christmas Lights to shine on the dark. You buy food to share with others .You create a wondrous Time of celebration.

Over 2000 years ago I came to Earth to Shine a LIGHT on the planet and it started the Christian religion.Now in 2020 the CHRIST LIGHT is again flooding the planet and I am here again at this time to remind you to remember this LIGHT . It is a time of the ASCENSION and the returning to the LIGHT on the whole planet. You all have a chance again NOW to ASCEND into this LIGHT. 2020 has been a difficult time for you but it is TIME now for you to Celebrate New Beginnings. However Dark the planet has become Shining the LIGHT can and will change everything. More and more people are NOW waking up to this LIGHT and shining on those who still reside in the darkness. Everyone has a chance to TRANSFORM or leave now.

MARY MAGDALENE: As we all ASCEND into the LIGHT much of the darkness and evil doing that has been happening on the planet will be coming to LIGHT.I am here with Jeshua to remind you however much you find it difficult when you hear of man’s inhumanity to man you must find it in your heart to FORGIVE them.LOVE and FORGIVENESS is the sign of a true Master . The darkness on the planet may well have hidden the LIGHT for centuries but you are here now to help to heal the planet of this darkness. It will be shown how much has been hidden from you and how you have been controlled over these years. Many of you are beginning to see what has been happening for thousands of years and are coming to terms with this TRUTH .However when the TRUTH comes out to those who have been asleep it will be shocking for them .As workers of the LIGHT you will be much needed to heal this situation. This is your greatest challenge .It behoves you not to think of anger, hate and retribution to the evildoers. You are the LIGHT ones and as such you need to work on FORGIVENESS for others but most importantly on yourselves. I am here to help with you with this work so call on me whenever you fall back into the darkness yourselves . Mary Magdalene.

JESHUA: Dear Ones these times are hard for many of you but the work that you do on yourselves is the most important work that you can ever do.When certain TRUTHS do come out there will be much talk of how to punish the evildoers .Remember in these punishments Dear Ones of one of your commandments. THOU SHALT NOT KILL.However much evil that you realise these perpetrators have been doing to you ,you do not have the right to kill another .Remember that each and every one of you has a soul including the wrongdoers.These wrongdoers need your LOVE to help them grow as a soul.You may well have learned your lessons over millennia but look on these souls as the child soul that you once were .These souls will have to leave the planet soon enough if they do not Transform but it is not your duty to send them. Remember my words on the Cross.

“FORGIVE them Father for they know not what they do.” These teachings are ancient but are as important today as much as they were in my time on Earth. FORGIVENESS is your key too Dear Ones. In LOVE and FORGIVENESS you will be shining the LIGHT on all and helping everyone to ASCEND to a NEW way of being on this glorious Earth of yours. Think on the spirit of Christmastide and let it reverberate around the world not just at this Christmastide but at all times in the future. This is your TRANSFORMATION.

JESHUA and MARY MAGDALENE: Dear ones we are both Shining the LIGHT on you all at this Christmas tide and surrounding you in the CHRIST LIGHT of LOVE and FORGIVENESS. Come with us NOW and create that HEAVEN on EARTH that you all so desire.

We send you much LOVE and many BLESSINGS dear Ones.


Channelled by Thea Grace Sirius 12.12.2020

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